Fixing Point for Warm Roof Constructions

A revolutionary solution to an old problem

The FixPoint Integrated Fixing Point can be used with nearly all roof membranes including bituminous and all liquid waterproofing solutions.  

It is supplied as a factory assembled unit pre-fitted with the correct membrane enabling full integration with the roof system it is being installed on. 

It has a single central threaded M10 anchor point for supporting and securing most types of rails and bars. Multiple fixings can be made directly to the roofing structure providing excellent pull out values into most substrates. 

All the fixings are sealed under the flange of the Fixing Point against water ingress using the same horizontal lap joint that the rest of the roof is installed with.

Warm Roof Constructions (FixPoint)

This FixPoint can be fitted to warm roof constructions with either liquid waterproofing or bituminous membranes and in new build or retrofit situations.  

In warm roof constructions the Fixing Point is normally fixed through the completed roof and insulation into the roof deck using  either the 7mm Ø holes for direct type fixings or the 17mm Ø holes for thermally broken type fixings. It is suggested that as many as possible of the fixing holes are used to achieve the  maximum uplift values.  

Subject to calculations and testing it is often the case that the Fixing Point units can be positioned with no reference to the structural supporting members within the roof construction eg joists or purlins.  

Where used with single ply roofing systems it is important that the Fixing Point is fitted with the same membrane that the main roof is weathered in to avoid any compatibility issues.
  • Key Features
  • 2 no connection points
  • 6mm thick fixing plate
  • Flange membrane to suit roof
  • Spacer bar to fixings
  • Can be installed on existing roofs


 Roof construction type
 Warm roof  Y
 Cold roof  Y
 Inverted Roof  N
 Roof covering type
 Hot melt  Y
 Liquid applied  Y
 Membrane composite  Y
 Hard metal  N
 Trapezoidal  N
 Aluminium  N
 Retrofit to existing roof  Y
FixPoint PV for Warm Roof Constructions
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